Pregnancy FAQ

**Disclaimer**We are not doctors. You should ALWAYS call your OB/midwife with any concerns before relying on the information presented below

I'm not having symptoms anymore! Is that normal?
When will I have my first ultrasound?
How many ultrasounds will I have during this pregnancy?
I'm very early in my pregnancy and I have a huge bump!
Can I exercise during pregnancy?
Help; I'm spotting!
When can I find out the sex of the baby?
I ate soft cheese. Did I hurt my baby?
Can I eat fish?
Is sex safe?
I got hit in the stomach!  What should I do?
Should I get a flu shot?
Why is my nose so stuffy and what can I do?

I'm not having symptoms anymore! Is that normal? 

Lucky you! This is completely normal.  Enjoy your energy level and ability to eat without feeling nauseated!

When will I have my first ultrasound?

Depends on the practice.  Some will do a dating ultrasound around week 6-8.  Others will not do an ultrasound until the anatomy scan at weeks 18-22.

How many ultrasounds will I have during this pregnancy?

Low risk pregnancies will have 1-2 ultrasounds.  You may get more depending on your history, optional testing preferences and if you are overdue.

I'm very early in my pregnancy and I have a huge bump!

Sorry!  This is bloat, affectionately known as a blump.  Your uterus is still below your pubic bone.

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

In general, you are safe to do the same activities you were doing before your BFP.  If you're unsure, ask your doctor.

Help; I'm spotting!

Spotting can be normal.  If you are concerned, call your doctor.

When can I find out the sex of the baby?

You will know 100% for sure the sex when he/she is born.  Many people choose to find out at the anatomy scan.

I ate soft cheese. Did I hurt my baby?

No. Pasteurized soft cheese is FINE. If you are in the USA, there's a 99.9% chance your soft cheese was pasteurized. Unpasteurized soft cheeses are a specialty item that you would have to go out of your way to seek out.

Can I eat fish?

Yes.  See these guidelines:

Will my baby get hurt if I have sex?

As much as your significant other would like to think otherwise, his penis is NOT long enough to reach the baby.

I got hit in the stomach!  What should I do?
Mother Nature did a pretty good job of keeping that baby safe in there, so you're almost definitely fine. Call your doctor if you're really concerned about it.

Should I get a flu shot?
Please see the CDC recommendation and discuss with your doctor.

Why is my nose so stuffy and what can I do about it?

A stuffy nose is common during pregnancy. The greater amounts of estrogen and progesterone in your system can cause congestion and swelling in your nose. Here are some remedies from board users:
1. Elevate your head, especially at night. Sleeping on several pillows or a "wedge" pillow usually helps. When your head's level with your heart, your nose swells more
2. Run a humidifier; it keeps your throat and mouth from drying out.
3. Use saline sprays, rinses or nebulizers. These help clear mucus and may draw out swelling.
4. Steam from a warm shower or wet, warm cloth over your nose can provide some temporary relief.
5. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
Please consult your doctor's list of approved medications before trying OTC treatments.

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